The Elder Scrolls Online: Guide to the Arcanist Class

The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) has recently introduced its seventh class, the Arcanist, a powerful and versatile class wielding the power of Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. Whether you’re a seasoned ESO veteran or a newcomer to the game, mastering the Arcanist’s unique skills and mechanics will take your gameplay to the next level.

Understanding Crux: The Arcanist’s Key Mechanic

Central to the Arcanist’s gameplay is the Crux system, a unique mechanic that sets it apart from other ESO classes. Crux represents the power drawn from Hermaeus Mora’s Black Books, and it’s accumulated by casting certain “Builder” skills. When you cast “Spender” skills, you consume your Crux to unleash powerful effects.

Optimizing Your Arcanist Build

To maximize your Arcanist’s potential, focus on building Crux efficiently and utilizing Spender skills strategically. Prioritize Builder skills that generate Crux quickly and consistently, such as Rune Blades and Cephalix Flail. For Spender skills, consider using Fate Carver, a channeled beam attack that deals massive damage when empowered by Crux.

Mastering the Arcanist’s Skill Lines

The Arcanist offers three distinct skill lines, each tailored to specific roles: DPS, tanking, and healing.

Herald of the Tome: This DPS skill line revolves around unleashing devastating attacks using the Black Books, including Rune Blades, Fate Carver, and Tenebrous Gaze.

Soldier of Apocrypha: This tanking skill line focuses on defense and crowd control, providing abilities like Crux Weaver Armor, Tentacular Dread, and Summon Simulacrum.

Curative Rune Forms: This healing skill line emphasizes restoring health and supporting allies, featuring skills like Rune Mend, Chakram of Destiny, and Remedy Cascade.

Exploring the Arcanist’s Unique Abilities

The Arcanist boasts several unique abilities that define its playstyle:

Fate Carver: A channeled beam attack that deals immense damage when empowered by Crux.

Tentacular Dread: Roots enemies in place and applies debuffs, consuming Crux for increased damage.

Crux Weaver Armor: A defensive ability that builds Crux while mitigating damage, enhancing tanking capabilities.

Rune Mend: A healing skill that generates Crux while restoring health, combining healing with Crux building.

Chakram of Destiny: A damage shield for you and your group, generating Crux while providing protection.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering the Arcanist

Practice Crux Management: Keep track of your Crux stacks and use Spender skills strategically to maximize their effects.

Utilize Builder Skills Effectively: Prioritize Builder skills that generate Crux quickly and consistently to fuel your Spender skills.

Explore Different Skill Morphs: Experiment with different skill morphs to find the ones that best suit your playstyle and build.

Master Timing and Positioning: Proper timing and positioning are crucial for maximizing the Arcanist's unique abilities.

Seek Guidance from Experienced Players: Join ESO communities and seek advice from experienced Arcanist players to learn advanced techniques and strategies.

The Arcanist: A Class for Every Playstyle

The Arcanist offers a versatile and dynamic playstyle, catering to a wide range of preferences. Whether you’re a seasoned DPS player, a tanking enthusiast, or a dedicated healer, the Arcanist has something to offer. With its unique Crux mechanic, powerful abilities, and diverse skill lines, the Arcanist is a compelling class that will challenge and reward players of all skill levels. provides the best way to buy Elder Scrolls Online gold for sale service, and so on. Sign up for free and become our VIP member at once. When you purchase through our website, you will get more discounts.